Some helpful dos & don’ts for
successful loan or refinancing.
Do continue making your mortgage/rent payments on time.
D0 stay current on all existing accounts, even if you are paying them off.
Do continue to work for the same employer.
Do continue to use the same insurance company.
Do continue living in your current residence.
Do continue to use your credit cards as normal.
Do call us if you have any questions.
Don’t make any major purchases (car, boat, furniture, jewelry, etc.).
Don’t apply for new credit, even if you are pre-approved.
Don’t open a new credit card.
Don’t transfer any balances between accounts.
Don’t pay off any collections or accounts.
Don’t close any credit card accounts.
Don’t change bank accounts or banks.
Don’t max out or overcharge your credit cards.
Don’t consolidate your debt onto fewer credit accounts.
Don’t take out a new loan.
Don’t start any home improvement projects.
Don’t finance any elective medical procedures.
Don’t co-sign a loan for anyone else.
Don’t deposit cash into your bank accounts.